Anna Riva's Stick Incense - Sandalwood


Discover the calming and spiritual essence of Anna Riva's Sandalwood Stick Incense. This pack of 22 incense sticks is an essential aid for deepening meditation practices and promoting a healing atmosphere. The soothing aroma of sandalwood not only enhances contemplation but also brings a sense of tranquility to any space, making it ideal for use in both personal and shared environments.

Key Features:

  • Meditation Aid: Specially crafted to assist in deepening meditation and contemplation.
  • Healing Atmosphere: Ideal for creating a soothing environment in a sickroom or any space needing calmness.
  • Quality Sandalwood: Made with authentic sandalwood for a rich, long-lasting aroma.


  • Contents: Pack of 22 sandalwood-scented incense sticks.
  • Purpose: Aid for meditation and creating a healing atmosphere.
  • Usage: Recommended for use during meditation, prayer, or in any space needing tranquility.

Anna Riva's Sandalwood Incense Sticks are not just about fragrance; they're a tool for enhancing mental clarity and spiritual serenity. Whether used in personal meditation practices or for creating a calming atmosphere, these sticks are a testament to the power of scent in shaping our environments.


Q: How long does each stick last?

A: Each stick is designed for a significant burn time, suitable for extended meditation sessions.

Q: Can these sticks be used daily?

A: Absolutely, they are perfect for regular use to maintain a tranquil environment.


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