7 Sisters Incense Powder - Lovers Attraction


Unleash the power of attraction with 7 Sisters Lovers Attraction Incense Powder. This 1-3/4oz mystical blend is designed to draw the attention of the opposite sex, making you an irresistible force in the realm of love and romance. Whether you're looking to ignite a new flame or rekindle an old one, this incense is your secret weapon.

Key Features:

  • Magnetic Attraction: Formulated to significantly enhance your allure to potential lovers.
  • Enhance Existing Relationships: Mix with Strong Love Oil to ensure fidelity and deepen the bond with your current partner.
  • Safe and Controlled Use: Perfect for burning in small amounts in any fire-proof container.
  • Versatile Ritual Tool: Adaptable to various love rituals and spells for personalized experiences.


  • Weight: 1-3/4oz
  • Usage Instructions: Begin with a modest amount to ensure safety. Avoid use in windy areas and keep out of reach of children and pets.
  • Suggested Combinations: Works best when combined with Strong Love Oil for enhanced effectiveness.

Elevate your love life to new heights with 7 Sisters Lovers Attraction Incense Powder. Crafted for those who desire to become an enchanting presence in love, this incense is an indispensable tool in your journey towards captivating and maintaining the love you desire.


  1. How do I use the incense for maximum attraction?
    • For optimal results, use the incense in a ritual setting. Consider enhancing its effects with a few drops of Strong Love Oil.
  2. Is it suitable for indoor use?
    • Yes, when used responsibly in small quantities and in a fire-proof container, it is suitable for indoor rituals.
  3. Can this incense help in maintaining an existing relationship?
    • Absolutely. The Lovers Attraction Incense, especially when mixed with Strong Love Oil, can help in keeping your current relationship strong and true.



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